Our raffle for the Nike x sacai LDV Waffle is now closed. For the past three days, Notre has been collecting donations of shelf-stable food in exchange for entries in this raffle. All donations will be delivered by Notre to the Greater Chicago Food Depository, an organization that has been working to end hunger in communities throughout Chicago and Cook Country for over 40 years. We’re still counting donations, but with the support of all 1,500-plus of you who came out for this raffle, we've collected well over 3,000 items of food for the GCFD that will be distributed to Chicagoans in need, and Gotham Greens will match this donation with up to 2,400 heads of fresh, locally-grown lettuce. |
By participating in this raffle, you played a part in helping Notre and our partners at the Greater Chicago Food Dispensary and Gotham Greens fight hunger in communities through the Chicago area. The donations you made will be distributed directly to those in need via the GCFD’s many outreach programs. Thank you so much for your support! If you would like to continue supporting the GCFD’s efforts to end hunger in our community, there are many ways to get involved, on both an individual and an organization level. Check out the “Get Involved” section of GCFD’s website for more information on how to make personal donations, organize your own food drive, volunteer for one of the GCFD’s programs, or help your organization provide corporate support. |